Digital + agency work

My grassroots and digital marketing/PR work has spanned across several industries, including health and wellness, sports, tech, contemporary art and various advocacy groups. As an artist and digital content creator with a background in marketing, the sweet spot for any client is where my visually creative eye and knack for analytics intersect. The corporate title I held for fulfilling that intersection is “Senior Digital & Social Content Strategist” — another way of saying: creative direction and consumer-friendly wordplay for anything on a screen, and audio production for videos, live streams and podcasts.
Projects for a Digital Strategist range from creative direction for website designs, cohesive social media copy and imagery, video production for online audiences, to internal communications, and more. See below for a glimpse of projects I’m proud of.
YouTube Launch + Social Graphics
The Gathering Harlem
Launched the official YouTube channel for TGH, including editing and loading video library. Supported creative direction and development of imagery for social media content.
Podcast Production + Editing
Ruder Finn + Sports Redefined
Introduced Ruder Finn’s first agency podcast in 2018.
Conducted audio production, video production, audio/video editing, and podcast distribution for SR.
E-Newsletter Curation + Analysis
JY Originals + Ruder Finn
Create/d, curate/d and edit/ed quarterly and weekly HTML newsletters respectively. Includes CRM maintenance and data analysis.
Website Build + Copywriting
Led creative direction for website development, including site layout/wireframes. Wrote all website content/copy for the brand voice, and curated accompanying imagery.
Social Media Management, Copywriting + Creative Direction
SPARK for Autism + Kaleo
Oversaw development of robust content for websites, corporate blogs, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and internal communications platforms on clients’ behalf. Also managed posting and analytics for client social media accounts.
Live Social Media Event Production
Novartis, Acromegaly
Planned and executed social-driven client events, such as Facebook Live events, Twitter chats and blogger summits with influencers.
Digital Strategic Planning
DISCOVER with AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Developed thorough 12-month strategic plan for a full range of client's digital platforms, including a revamped website, social media profiles, and private internal communications.
Interactive Event Production
Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK)
Organized interactive blogger summit with digital components to educate, engage, and connect desired community members.
Video Creative Direction + Social Media Analysis
AstraZeneca + Novartis, NET
Wrote concepts and production scripts, managed editing team, and provided musical direction for internal and external videos.
Executed influencer mapping, including managing influencer research, data visualization and engagement strategy.