Inspire through
creativity and play.
As a Pittsburgh native I grew up with a love for all things adventurous: reading, traveling, playing sports and finding creativity in every crevice of life. This would become the baseline of my adult interests and career journey, inspiring me to collect unique experiences like studying abroad in Tokyo, moving to the Big Apple, joining art shows in Australia, sky diving in New Zealand and taking solo trips to soak in the world.
Although I have been creating since I could pick up a pencil, I officially began my art career in New York City. What was once a hobby grew into launching JY Originals, LLC with humble beginnings. Many group exhibitions later I collaborated with other talented artists to paint and install massive murals in Brooklyn, solo projects in Manhattan, and returning to Pittsburgh to give the city my largest works, including their very first art basketball court. After two years in Pittsburgh, I started a journey in a new city: Chicago.
The initial move to New York was to pursue my creativity in a corporate setting. While working as a Digital Content Strategist at a public relations firm, I led a team of innovators and content creators to bring clients’ communications to life on digital and social platforms. This work reconnected me to my personal need to produce creative projects, leading to my leap to a full-time visual artist.

Stay original.